
Gosh I was tired yesterday and was in bed by 9pm whereupon I slept for 10hours! I blame the index and the excitement of blip birthdays!
Today we've had a lovely relaxing day. It's Robert's birthday and we met up for lunch at the Townhouse in Schull. It was rammed and food took a while to get here but was excellent when it came. I had Gubbeen cheese fritters and a salad since you asked.
Finola has done an heroic job of proof reading the manuscript and apart from some complexities concerning Irish names, stray fadas (accents) and far too many exclamation marks there's not too much to change. What a mammoth job and I am truly grateful. 
The drive across to Schull was sobering, Mount Gabriel truly blackened, and there is still burning going on. Coming home, Dunmanus Bay was dead calm and billowy. This is the derelict grainstore, blipped many times before and the ravens in the trees were honking loudly.

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