Rain on the Ria

Our flight last night from Manchester was packed (and delayed by over an hour after we got on the plane, with no explanation, meaning we got to bed about 2am), and I felt a bit sorry for the holiday makers when we woke up this morning to rain and cold (though several degrees warmer than Manchester). But being by the sea is always good; both these photos were on the Ria, where we walked for an hour or so after breakfast (extra of two amorous cormorants, and two storks in the distance).

And then, across and up the motorway to Mourão, with a stop in Portel for a snack.

- getting safely home again: the pilots who flew us, and Mike's driving
- the most amazing rainbow after a good rain while we were napping
- finding the homestead and both cats in good order

Off to Sem Fim now for a catch up with several friends...

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