An Avid Lensman

By SarumStroller

Electric sub-station, shopping trolley & stars

Firstly, I have posted two Blips very close together, so if the last you saw was the cricket one, then can I gently request you to click on the left hand side of this image and take a peek at 'Moon, Road, River' from Sunday? Thanks!!

This was taken in the small hours as the weather forecast is an onset of cloud, which would spoil both stars and moon, from now on, for a few days. As it was, the 3/4 moon was quite big, as it was low in the sky, setting, but wasn't giving out much light.

I've always known this place as it's a scrapyard and so I avoid it by always walking along the other side, by the river - far more scenic of course. Except, tonight, intending to going on a different path, I went past this and didn't see the scrapyard but saw this, the local electricity supply sub-station. I heard it too, a loud whining buzz that even managed to penetrate my Ipod playing Blue Oyster Cult's 'Don't Fear the Reaper' , suitable, considering the number of warning signs of 'Death' and razor-wire stopping small children from frying themselves to a frazzle by venturing within....

A two and a half minute exposure allowed the stars to move a bit, though the 17mm end of my FX Nikkor D 17-35mm f2.8 (DX eqv 12mm) has lessened their movement by in effect making them seem further away - and smaller.

A black & white conversion from the muddy orange/brown streetlamp over the camera's shoulder and so here is my vision of an apocalyptic hell, or simply a fairly industrial scene, with an abandoned shopping trolley. Darn, I knew I should have checked to see if it still had the £1 coin deposit in it, mind you, if it had, it'd be a mighty long walk with it back to the supermarket and to release the pound! (I could have put my tripod and other lens' case in, though...)

Look LARGE for a closer peek....

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