Each day a gift.

By Margiesy

Hello again.....

..... to all my lovely blip friends! I have been away for soo long and have missed visiting your journals and seeing what you have been up to. I hope to catch up a little in the next few days.
Life has been busy for me, and as well as not firing on all four cylinders, so to speak, something had to give. Therefore, my long absence from blip! I am feeling a bit better - I think what ails me is allergy related and it is tricky working out exactly what it is!
Anyway, winter is nearly upon us here and today I have put my thermals on under lots of layers - the dress code for the next four months I think!
I have just spent 5 lovely days in Bright with family enjoying the incredible autumn colours. We did lots of walking in the cold misty weather and enjoyed hanging out at a most wonderful cafe every morning for our coffee and cake!
This photo was taken at the sports ground in Bright.

The boys are growing up so fast! Jack got his drivers license last week and I must confess it feels strange seeing my 6ft 7 baby heading of down the driveway without me in the car!!!!!! And what felt even stranger was seeing both Joe and Jack head out last night to see a movie - without me!!!!!! I must admit that I felt a little strange about that but such is life. It is beautiful watching them growing up and I am so very lucky.

I have a few shots to backblip from the past few months which I will work on over the next few days.
Have a lovely week my friends! X

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