In the workshop

A trip out to Port Edgar to pick up the sprayhood, all neatly stitched. Then down to the yard to get on with messing about. 
But only for an hour or two - I’d an appointment to see the dental hygienist woman at the top of Bruntsfield and decided to take a leisurely trip in the bus, reading the weekly political mag, as ever. Out after my ordeal and across the road to a new delicatessen selling the usual outrageously priced cheeses. As the guy bent down under the counter to fetch out some Biggar Blue he casually asked, “where have you been”? I was perplexed. Over the road at the dentists. Ooops, he was simply politely asking where I’d been on holiday, judging that I must have been, what with my golden tan. It’s a very white city, Edinburgh. 

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