Another tiny treasure

Nearly every day at the moment something new appears in the garden. There are many, many tiny spring flowers all virtually at ground level. Here's another that's new to me. Unless I'm mistaken, it is Water Avens (Geum rivale). Very dainty! 

Maybe it's classed as a weed - I wouldn't know - but it's very pretty, and becomes my first blip blipped on the proper day since Saturday's. Photographed under blue skies, in bright sunshine, and with a dozen or so mini snow flakes drifting past my nose. They didn't stay for more than a minute, but they were there!

Thanks for looking, commenting and "sprinkling" while I've been absent helping others rather intensively for a few days. Much appreciated. Look forward to catching up on blipmates' journals anon.

(Gorgeous full, orange moon tonight, too! See my Extra.)

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