Place: Largo, FL 63/85
Main activity: Wed - Publix, hot
Notes: Woke early but tried to go back to sleep. Nothing to do all day or to accomplish - trying to enjoy that luxury but it seems to be too much of all-or-nothing. Went to the pool after 10a and then decided to make the run to Publix for few things. Wasn't too bad tho heavy traffic - longing for a smaller quieter area. Made some tuna salad and put on 1/2 croissant and then a beet/walnut salad w/ fresh dressing. Had bought a jelly doughnut at Publix (can't remember the last one I had) - it couldn't even have had 1/2 tsp of raspberry jelly. Ridiculously bad - I guess that'll cure any need for another. Did a full moon meditation with Elena, Janine and Julie on Jean Claude's Beyond Mystic site - was good.

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