New use for a wheelie bin

A skip was delivered this morning and various car juggling needed, I'd parked outside the neighbours' gate thinking they wouldn't need to get the mobile home out - but today was its MOT day! They are getting new windows so I had to ask their van not to park where our builders' van would need to to be able to get their stuff in to start the digging.
The foundations are dug but I don't know if they'll be able to pour the concrete until it gets a bit warmer, we'll have to wait and see. Meanwhile we can only access the garden with difficulty, the extra shows the view from the back door.
Apart from this it was a quiet day with some bread baked, some admin done and a bit of sewing and knitting. 
An evening run with the group, 9 out which wasn't bad for a freezing evening when 2 are unwell and one on holiday. We didn't need our torches until past halfway and there were lovely colours in the sky.
P.S. Blip says I've done 12 years but I actually started on the 10th

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