The Way I See Things


Fed. Up.

Oh look - I just made a Christmas card. What a pity it's March.

Despite hateful weather, R and I went out this morning. First to Hillers for coffee and cake - and for me, half an hour in the bird hide - followed by a wander round the the farm shop,. Then we headed off to the garden centre to fetch more supplies for our own garden birds, and replace a couple more of the plants we lost the last time it snowed.

This afternoon I worked on some photo files and did a lot of singing practice, and then this evening I braved the cold, cold snow and drove over to Chipping Campden for a choir rehearsal. I can't say I was thrilled to have to go out, but needs must: our concert is only three and a half weeks away.

I am so tired of winter weather. The only consolation I have is a pretty thin one: no solitary bees or butterflies,and very few hoverflies and bumblebees, have yet emerged in our garden. Right now they're better staying indoors.

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