Joint effort, creation!

It wasn't me being creative, I was just providing the spraying venue. Val has been helping Mavis, a matting friend. Mavis, 91, who wanted some twigs to decorate for Easter. She herself isn't able to do the "heavy" work but will love to do the decorating. Val collected the twigs and secured them in the pots from the recycle shop. Val doesn't have the space for spraying, and Mavis wanted them white, so they were brought to my garden and are now stored in my greenhouse. It was a little unfortunate that the only snow we had today was at the precise time of the spraying. It was a heavy downpour, which seemed to come from nowhere and was gone as quick, see extra! It was actually much more than the extra photo shows.Our heavy snow is forecast for tomorrow so we've hopefully got them done in time. We showed Mavis the photos at matting group this afternoon, she was so delighted with the twigs and had a good laugh at our snow exploits!
A sociable time at matting, always a feel good afternoon.
For time with lovely ladies on International Women's Day
For having friends who will ask for help
For being able to share skill sets

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