New reality day 951

Wind traces on snow.

It's been terribly cold. I've taken Buddha out just on very short walks. About 10 minutes and his paws are too cold. 

Tomorrow it's gonna rise to 0°C and then freeze some for the night. So one more very short and cold walk with Buddha and then we can go back to our normal, longer walks again.

I honestly don't remember if I already wrote down that I've been doing Yoga breathing exercises once a day. When I started on Monday it was really hard to do the whole 28 minutes and my watch showed that I saw quite stressed doing it. Today on the 4th day I started stressed but continuing to do the breathing, my stress lowered down. The breathing also is getting easier.

If I just sit and don't talk, I'm fine (just occasional coughing). But when I start walking or talking, I also start coughing much more. The cold weather does not help. It makes the air really dry. .

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