
By mollyblobs

The lightness of being

A mad March sky, heaps of cumulus clouds piled up ominously on the horizon, but spells of brilliant sunshine lighting up a fenland landscape full of silvery reeds, fluffy bulrush spikes, golden willows and billowing heaps of Blackthorn and Cherry Plum blossom.. 

The birds seemed to sense the lightness. A stubble field was full of foragers - funereal Rooks probing for worms joined by greedy Stock Doves, Starlings and a veritable crowd of Yellowhammers. This would have been an everyday sight a hundred years ago - now it's something of a rarity.  A couple of Grey Wagtails flitted along the Maxey Cut, while a pair of Oystercatcher probed the exposed gravels beside a new quarry lake.

A good day for a walk, a day when all the stresses of report writing and planning for next year gradually fell away, leaving me light of heart.

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