occhi verdi

By occhiverdi

The Fallen

I was elated to find this little guy on the steps to the apartment outside. It looks as though it was covered in pollen on its way somewhere when she met her demise.
I don't know much about bees.. other than:
- bees communicate by dancing to tell other bees where a pollen source is located (based on the position of the sun, distance from the hive, etc)
- honey is bee vomit
- honeybees live in sterile female colonies with one queen
- queen bees are produced by larvae feeding exclusively upon royal jelly from the worker bees
- a drone's sole purpose is to fertilize the queen's eggs whereupon then they promptly die
- queen substance prevents more than one queen per colony
- the queen can sting without dying

I also know there is a wood bee that burrows its way into the wood railing right by the apartment door and that it will not sting me when I walk by.
However, I don't hang around long enough to the wood bee to compare it to this one to determine whether this one is also a wood bee.
But that other little guy (or gal as she most likely is...) sure does leave a lot of sawdust on the ground every day.

And I leave you with this...

Beads. Bees?! Beads! BEADS?!?!
GOB's not on board with the beads..."

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