Sun Worship

So far, so good, concerning the lack of snowfall in this neck of the woods. 
Today has been a perfect spring day- bright sunshine beamed from a perfect blue sky studded here and there with puffball clouds and a temperature of 5° with little wind. 
On the Meadows, the last of the crocuses , mainly the deep purple ones , are still looking vibrant while the swathes of daffodils cloaking Middle Meadow Walk are so cheerful that one can’t help smiling to see them.

It was the kind of day that invited people to sit on the park benches with their faces raised to the sun and dream of summer weather just round the corner. I didn’t sit, but I did dream as I walked that we were past the worst of winter weather, and so it was a horrible shock to get a yellow weather warning this afternoon of Storm Larisa’s arrival at the weekend bringing snow, ice and strong winds to Edinburgh. Where did she come from, the hussy, bearing a name beginning with the letter ‘L’.  How did she jump the queue of alphabetical storm names?  My  hope is that the forecasters have got it wrong again for this corner of the country.

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