Trailer light

Quite a nice morning . We enjoyed the sun till it lasted but then the rain came .
No worries though , we had Cassie's and Boston's company and made the most out of it . I got up early for his 5 am feeding then all hell broke loose ..
While I was feeding him he decided to go for a poo and since he was fussing , I changed his diaper . Not knowing better, I left his blankets underneath him . Well it seems he wasn't finished pooing and out it came in a big gush .. I had it all over my hands and the blankets . I was screaming help me there's poo all over me . Oh yeah , he decided to pee on me too . All this time we're all laughing trying to get everything cleaned up . Finally , he's all clean and I give him the rest of his bottle . Bad choice ! He burbs and projectile vomiting goes all over . Five minutes after that Snow pukes on the carpet ! Thank goodness there's a washer and dryer at the park !

What an exciting 15 minutes :) Dan drove to Timmy's at 6 am and we all enjoyed the coffee while the baby slept .

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