Strike that. Reverse it!


Just Another

Manic Monday!

Really has been chaotic today, I really should know that if the day starts with me being late dropping the boys off at breakfast club it really wouldn't improve. In fact rewind an hour earlier and burning my hand on the hair straighteners that should have sounded the alarm bells for a poor day.

I'll spare you the details though, the day happened. I've got home eaten more chocolate than I have in months, followed by pasta stodge and I plan to not move for the rest of the evening. Well kind of not move, I'll do the jobs first then not move.

All day I've been thinking don't worry working from home tomorrow I can catch up. Then I checked my calendar and I'm in Hull tomorrow! By the looks of things this week will be as much a whirlwind as last week. Silver lining 3 day weekend coming up wohooooo

Hope you've all had a good Monday xxx

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