
Appalling weather this morning that continued through most of the day. Slightly brightened up later.

Been watching the Crufts results in my breed most of the day. So happy that a great grandson of one of my own breeding got the best dog in breed. (The dog CC)

There was an attempted burglary down the road from us yesterday evening. Sadly a passing dog walker and his dog got sprayed with some kind of cleaning fluid. The man (who only lives a couple of doors away from the house being burgled) ran home and dosed his eyes with water from the outside tap. He rang 999. No reply from the police, and no ambulances available. So, a friend took the dog to the emergency vets (£200) A neighbour took him to A&E while his wife stayed at home waiting for the police. A&E were great, as were the vets. Both are okay now, but his eye looks horribly blood shot. The police came this morning!

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