RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Sunday At The Beach

It has been quite a while since we had a good crowd of volleyball players at the beach. The regulars from out of the country have all returned home and the local players are hit and miss. I normally wait for my phone to ring with the news that so and so will be at the court at noon (which almost always means 1:00 or 1:30). Today one of the women's teams I help train during the week came to celebrate a teammate's birthday and play some three on three games. Play we did, for over four hours. The youngsters were still going at it when I finally left after too many games to count. It wouldn't be a Mexican celebration without a ton of food, which they generously shared with my wife and I (except for the cake in the lower right, which I never did see them cut). I snapped this shot while everyone was taking a quick break to enjoy comida. The games resumed in short order as everyone was making the most of their Sunday at the beach.

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