
By Islandscape


Today's lighting and weather conditions were less than ideal for a photography workshop. And although the mist and low cloud were forecast to clear in the afternoon, they never did and in fact my Met Office app revised the forecast at lunchtime. However, I am of the view that it is almost always possible to get a decent photograph if you try hard enough and today's conditions were perfect for teaching about the use of neutral density filters to obtain slow exposures. Neutral density filters are just that - neutral. They fool the camera into thinking the conditions are darker than they actually are (although they were fairly dark already today!) and so it is possible to achieve slow shutter speeds for recording water etc. This was taken at Salen Pier and my guests really warmed to the subject and produced some wonderful waterfall shots at the Abhainn na h-Uamha an hour later. On the downside, I am reacting badly to pollen (I only suffered this for the first time two years ago) and my eyes have been streaming and stinging for most of the day. Now deploying a G&T to ameliorate matters as the Co had no optrex (which is pretty useless anyway) and I was too late back to make the pharmacy.

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