Truly Blippin' Marvelous

By JohnEdward

Twin Knolls

or, as I call them, Little Sister & Big Sister. The youngest of the local volcanoes. Six blips (13 days) later.

       Books arrived today (extra). Two for book group both short; one fiction one non-fiction.

       London: The Information Capital is already over ten years old but is a snapshot of information from about 2010-12.  If you like maps, charts, design and information you'll love this book.
       I've not ever read anything by Alan Garner (to my shame)
       Paul Chaat Smith is associate curator at the National Museum of the Amercan Indian Institution in Washington D.C. Everything You Know About Indians Is Wrong. (not Everything You Think You know; subtext have been told) . . . small tome but 35 lines of 8pt? text per page.

       Earlier today I overindulged in scrolling stopping to watch a couple of long Youtube videos. One was a documentary made nearly thirty years ago about railways in Britain . . . Blipfoto is the antidote to those sites that encourage you to scroll and try to sell you things; not that the railway documentary wanted to sell anything . . .

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