Happy Daze

By Dazed

Rosslyn Chapel

It's the last day of my holiday today *sob* and back to the reality of work tomorrow *sniff*.

Finally got around to visiting Rosslyn Chapel today. I've been meaning to go for years and years but when I still hadn't made it when 'The Da Vinci Code' came out I thought I'd best leave it a while - didn't want to go and punch a Dan Brown fan in the face in a chapel. Ask anyone who was working in a bookshop when 'The Da Vinci Code' came out and I'll sure they'll share the same urge to punch Dan Brown fans in the face. Anyway, it's been six years or so now so I figured it was safe!

What a fab wee place. Mr D is looking into learning stonemasonry so it was particularly good for him. I reckon it should only take six months for him to be knocking out work of the quality of the Apprentice Pillar :)

Am home now and there's a nice free range bird roasting in the oven. Happy Sunday peeps!

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