Place: Largo, FL 60/74
Main activity: Sat - inside
Notes: Slept late again, didn't want to wake up and was having odd dreams. Took the garbage out in the morning (finally). Later prepped some veggies and juiced a couple big grapefruits. Took the food scraps to the garbage then and wasn't out any more at all. Did an Akashic class from noon - 130p. After had a huge sneezing attack and went thru many tissues - the pollen is high and going higher. Did a load of laundry, around 6p, jumped on Zoom w/ Jo in Australia and we chatted for about an hour. Flossing before bed and a small piece of tooth broke off - was the little front tooth on bottom that had been cracked years ago (Deb in FL) and repaired. Not great!

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