Barcelona day

So we made it up and out to the Gaudi Sangrada Familia. Not early enough though, they had filled up and closed the doors. Enjoyed a wander round the outside looking at all the madness though. Breakfast in the sunshine!! Then a wander around, thoroughly enjoyed that. Pause for a little drink in a square, then to another square for lunch, enjoying some very fit, resourceful tumbling men who jumped to stand on each others shoulders as if it were nothing.

Hotel, collect bags, cab. Arrive at conference with one minute to spare before afternoon round table discussions. Lots of people telling each other things we already know. Was good to see some familiar faces though. Then wine tasting (some v lovely wines) and a bus to the beach for sangria and (not enough) snacks. A fine paddle in the sea ( just three of us, everyone else stared on in horror.) Hannah held a village meeting after finding two different people who live a mile from her house.

A good, long day. I had tried to gather together a group for an early morning swim in the sea but the midnight bedtime likely makes that an unlikely option.

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