...... and they're off!

Saturday 11th March 2023              (backblip)

Had a chilly wander up the road this afternoon ...... it was rather grey & breezy but good to get out :-)

Saw these Red-legged Partridge in the distance ...... tried to get a bit closer but they must have spotted me & off they went! They do look funny running along .... they just had to be my blip :-)

Great excitement late afternoon ..... sirens blaring ...... police cars arriving & closing the road almost outside our house!

Ambulance then arrived ..... followed by Armed Police in full gear! Then a paramedic pulled up & the ambulance drove off! This was followed by the arrival of the Dog Van ...... the handler was in full riot gear too.

They were at a house on the other side of the road a short distance away ...... then suddenly the police tape was removed .... the road reopened & one by one the vehicles drove away!

No idea what it was all about ...... rather an anticlimax in the end but thankfully nobody got hurt!

Stay safe everyone :-)

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