Place: Largo, FL 58/80
Main activity: Mon - dentist
Notes: After a stressful weekend w/ a broken tooth, I started calling 8a to see if there's a dentist in this area who would get me in right away and fix just the broken tooth w/o all the extra exams, etc. It was not looking good until the 4th or 5th one and I was able to go w/in the hour, less than a mile down the road. Good staff, nice competent dentist. The fix was pretty quick and the amount reasonable - very grateful! Did a little time at the pool and then around the house. Talked to Andy for a bit to go over some things when I take care of Zoe this week. Called Al later as he never responded about going to lunch (was hoping to go today). Started packing and organizing and found myself steaming the rest of the broccoli around 9pm. 

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