Spent the morning in phone meetings …regulars and shortlisting for a role with another organisation. Filthy weather outside so instead of walking over for my afternoon meeting I drove. Met up with my 7th cousin (a couple of times removed I think-but I’d lost track by then!) and his wife who had both done lots of genealogy research. I’d found him on Ancestry and he was able to take one part of my tree back to an Ayrshire Baronet in the 17th century! Makes a bit of a change from the, butchers, painters, seamstresses and illiterate weavers that I’d found til now! However it’s a branch that I’m less interested in at the moment as I’m set on following the maternal line up through my mother and grandmother. Still, learned quite a lot about working with the website. They’re both very keen on DNA tracing too which I hadn’t thought to do… we’ll see!
Home and made supper and did some catch up stuff whilst watching Succession…hadn’t realised I could watch it on any of my streaming services but quite got into it at T&Kt’s a while ago.
Emergency blip….didn’t have any chance earlier.

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