The adopted one at her foster home

We have made a big step to return some cat energy to DogCorner Cottage. This little 10 month rescued girl is now ours. She was trapped a month ago and has made great strides at her foster home, spayed and healthy. They called her Frankie, but we are going to change it most likely, perhaps and Irish lasses name beginning with F. She's a St. Patrick's week cat. She needs to stay in one room for at least two weeks and warm up to us and her new house which must hold the scents of so many cats since 1893. I know the original owners had one. I'll tell how I know it another day. 

I have mixed emotions, I miss Merry so much, but I'm excited to get to know this little girl and help her realize she is safe and will always be loved and FED. She is very food oriented which is good to get her close and socialized. Wish us luck, this last 4 weeks have been very difficult. And now this time change on top of it!

For the Record, 
This day came in with an amazing sunrise. Red sky...sailors take warning. We have a big rain and wind event tomorrow into Wednesday.

All hands exhausted, sad and happy!

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