Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Pink blossoms and blue sky.

The Feast Day of Saint Matilda.
I have been for a long walk to get away from the terrible sounds here at home Paul has been making as he scraped old paint off a stairway length wood hand rail. It was a ghastly sound, loud and high pitched, and I feared it could trigger for me a dizzy spell as I am very sensitive to sound. So inspite of the rain and cold I went for a long walk in the neighbourhood.
I was thankful to see many daffodils, purple and yellow crocuses, tete a tete and pink blossoms.
I hope you are all staying warm and well.
We had a strange weather pattern of rain, snow, sun in a repeating pattern today.
I am about to have some tea and read the Accrington Observer. They provide a mixed picture of vey bad news and not quite so bad news, but it is worth knowing about if you live nearby. and wish the town better times.
It is 2c on the laptop and says rain  so that could be happening later this evening.
Thank you for dropping by blip friends .

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