
By ForthPorts


Mrs FP was on a trip to our potting shed where she has a hoard of jam jars (yep, more jam making in progress). She was distracted by a hissing sound. The pipe to the tap on the garage had sprung a leak and was soaking the garden. There is a roadside valve (a Toby I believe). It was located. The actual valve is at arms length down a pipe, which was full of rank muddy water and broken stuff. Mrs FP put on rubber gloves and howked it all out and got the burst isolated. My contribution? I knew where the Toby key was.

So tomorrow - copper pipe and fittings. It is old pipe so I anticipate the usual imperial to metric nonsense and some soldering (the garage and environs are soaking so I stand a reasonable chance of not setting the garage on fire.).  

The dog seems to have recovered from his recent malaise, had a decent walk this morning. We have a vets appointment at 10am tomorrow but we'll probably cancel if his condition continues to improves.

Beware the Ides of March. Just saying.

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