The view from Leicester Peak

We needed to be at the Ferry Port for 1pm, today, which left just time for Izzy and I to walk up Leicester Peak, this morning. We didn't go from sea-level, but instead Umaru dropped us off near the American Embassy, so I guess we must have walked about a mile and a half up the satisfyingly steep road.

The view from the top made the climb worthwhile, as I hope you can see from that photo. Incidentally, in the top right, just offshore, you can see a large boat, and that is the generator that provides Freetown's electricity.

Once we'd returned home, had some photos with Umaru, then freshened up, we went down to visit one more shop, before Izzy dropped us off at the Ferry Port. From there, we went across to the airport, queued in the narrow strip of shade between direct sunlight and the outflow from the air-conditioning and finally made it to the lounge.

This journey back is more epic than the one here, as the plane we're getting on carries on down to Monrovia, to refuel and pick up more passengers for Brussels. It didn't set off from Sierra Leone until seven, but by midnight we were flying north over Africa and on our way home.  

It has been quite a trip! It was lovely to see Izzy, to see her in her element, and to have a proper block of time with her, and it was a mostly enjoyable education seeing and learning about Freetown. In the end, I was in no hurry to leave.

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