
G gave me a lift to Titchwell this morning, where we met JohnRH and W for a walk and a bit of bird watching. I love the beach at Titchwell, nice and sandy and lots of birds around. My main photo is of oystercatchers making a move as we approached. In Extras is a collage of sanderlings, a flock of golder plovers, a very annoyed brent goose and a rusting old tank. I googled the beach and the tank is one of two A13 Mk III Covenanter tanks (Cruiser tank Mk V), used for target practice between 1942 and 1945 (typical Norfolk - they were just left after the War!). As you enter the beach from the reserve is a brick and concrete mass which is the remnants of a WWII control tower. A lovely walk, although I only had my medium lens which doesn't focus well, I must go back with my large (but heavy) lens to get some sharper photos. 

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