
Had really bad day! Walking long distance on two crutches as couldn't park near Orange shop. Finally got it all sorted Inyernet on in Gorron until new internet installed at St James (probably Tuesday)

Then got back to find people packing things had turned internet off. I couldn't put it back as they'd taken instruction book. Also had rearranged schedule for everything.

Have made my feelings known and they're denying it all.

Clear now might not work out well at all. So may still be here more time. Had planned staying from Saturday night and getting Gyp back Sunday.

Driving hard and their new suggestions for doing it all meant ridiculous frive to St James and back twice with nothing in my car!

Yhey have now offered to come round tomorrow and put wahing machine back. I had asked them to leave it here as not possible to plumb it in at SJ yet. So I want to keep doing washing here for now.

Well, tomorrow is another day!

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