My Dog Jack

By jackrussell

Come Bye!!

What a glorious sunny day!

A perfect sort of day to try out a new skill! I was lazily leafing through one of She Who Must Be Ignored's old copies of Country Life when I spotted an article on training Sheep Dogs!

Then I remembered that Fat Dog was always going on about how, when she was a young Collie, she was "Simply wonderful darling" at working SWMBO's sheep. (Did they have sheep when Fat Dog was young?)

That's it! We will be going up to see Grannie's cottage later, she must have some sheep. Well! Grannie has no sheep! What to do?


Get The Boss to take Grannie and his sister, who was visiting, for a walk up the field. Now's my chance.

"Come Bye Fat Dog"

Easy! Look at them go!

G'down Fat Dog. G'down!

Hang on where is Daft Harry?

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