We had an excellent breakfast in a lovely little café called La Nina just around the corner from the hotel, and then the Minx walked across to the Excel while I went back to the room to do my German lesson.

After that, there wasn't time for me to walk over to the Excel for the miniMinx's performance, so I took the DLR. I like the elevated platforms and rails, which gave me the feeling of being in an anglicised version of a 1970s film made in New York.

I arrived in good time for the 'showcase', which was about fifty minutes long, with the miniMinx's show on last. They received a storming reception and the piece was very good. In fact, in my poorly informed opinion, they were the best, which is probably why they were on last.

After that we met the miniMinx and some of her friends from a drink before the three of us - me and the Minxes - went for a bite to eat at a nearby Italian.

After that, it was time to go back to Euston, although, happily, Dan came up to join us for a quick drink at the Doric Arch before got on our train.

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