Mother's Day

9°C  -  12 mph W Wind Speed  -  19 mph Gusts  -  Overcast.  I know it's not Mothering Sunday 'till tomorrow but I got a Happy Mother's Day card from my son in Spain this morning so had to blip it.  I also got an NHS letter with my appointment for the COVID 19 vaccine spring booster on 22nd April.  Then Sandra took my sister and me out to lunch in Jist Misto.  I asked the waiter what that meant and he said it was Czech for Eating Place  -  when I checked that out in Google it translated it to Sure Place.  Actually that's a good translation  -  it was a sure place for good service and excellent food  -  thank you, Sandra:)  Back home now and probably be watching Death in Paradise later  -  I forget which series I've reached  -  must be nearing the end one!  Have a nice weekend, Everyone:)

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