Meeting of the Seasons.

A lovely Mother’s Day.

Hayley and I headed to their David Lloyd health club, and very nice it was too! We had an outdoor swim, then outside jacuzzi, finishing off to dry and warm up in the sauna. By choosing the outside option we had the place practically to ourselves.

Home to help move Emmeline’s Wendy house to a different area of the garden as they are getting a new shed which is going where the Wendy house was.  Son in law Seb, who is a wonderful cook is preparing the meal, so it’s looking like a promising evening too!  

The kids have been great too, playing well together. Emmeline was so excited to celebrate Mothering Sunday and  showed me what she’d prepared for Hayley when we arrived on Friday. She’d raided her money box to give Mummy in her words “Real money”. See extra. What a kind caring person she is.

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