West Coaster

By WestCoaster

The Running Man

No not the hero of the Stephen King book, the hero played by Big Arnie in the poor adaptation of the same!!!

Instead I return to a George Wylie, you will, if you follow my entries regularly have seen several of this Scottish Sculptors work, he was a man out of time, a little of the wall in many ways but always entertaining. I have always loved his work, the quirkiness the accessibility and the sheer fun of them and the reaction they provoke. I shot this very early this morning but didn't like the shots and returned at lunchtime by which time the graffiti had appeared, to the moron who defaced this, I hope you know what you have done!!!

Here is the Clyde Clock Geroge was commissioned by Radio Clyde to create this installation for their 25th anniversary and latterly it was donated to Glasgow and sits on Killermont Street (That song again) outside the bus station as a meeting point, a talking point and a reminder of the genius that was George Wylie. I would like to have met him, moreover I would like to have known him... one freaky genius to another perhaps we would have shared something. We are blessed that he has left us some wonderful, thought provoking and beautiful pieces and I for one miss his talent as our world is truly a sadder, duller place without him. Enjoy the shot and I hope it makes you smile

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