
By DaisyMoo

My Dad...............

This is my Dad or as I have always called him 'Basil', as in Basil Fawlty (imagine him with the tache). My Dad, bless him recently retired and spends a lot of his time looking on the iPod at the football (mainly the Albion) and every news website going as he is too stingy to buy a newspaper.

The reason for the picture is that ever since I can remember if my Dad is engrossed with the football, radio or internet you can be having a conversation with him and you know full well he is not listening and has a gormless look when talking. I'm sure my Dad is not the only man that does this, I think it's called active listening, which sometimes can work in our favour!

So this is what my Dad is doing in this picture, looking right through me and has probably not even realised I have taken his picture to put on blip... Serves you right Basil!

Basil is a fantastic Dad who has mellowed over the years, thankfully!. We were always frightened of getting on the wrong side of my Dad as he had a really old shiny slipper which he would slap us with or would hang us over the bannister by our feet if we played up (i do hope social services aren't reading this).

My funniest memory of my Dad is when I went to my first nightclub Exile at the age of 14 with my best friend. Our parents rang each other and realised we were not staying at each others houses as we had said, so our Dad's decided to go to the nightclub and fetch us out, wearing their pyjamas and slippers! The bouncers happily let them in the club once they found out we were only 14, so as you can imagine I nearly died and it taught me a lesson or two about lying to my parents!

Love you Basil x

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