
Grey day. Raining snow, sleet and water, +4.

Good. The snow is melting. We have a phrase saying in English something like "the new snow the death of the old".  It's not the absolute truth, but partially is. The new snow melts the old one if the weather is warm, above zero, as in a beautiful spring day.

Also all the dust from especially the cravel on the ways against the slipperiness gets down from the air now when it's raining. The city has planned to begin to clear ways of the cravel and other substance next week. Good.

Today was a cleaning day and my physiotherapy. We also baked easy, fast done oven tray bread from wheat and rye flavoured with cumin. I mixed the ingredients, Mr S kneaded the dough, I spread it on the tray, Mr S got it in and out the oven. This could be called shift work:) With the very good results.

The recipe for those interested. I don't have the link to it anymore, but here's the written one:

"Rye squares

5 dl (1/2 l) water (milk, buttermilk)
2 teaspoons of salt
2 tbsp sugar (honey)
1/2 dl (50 ml) of oil
11 g dry yeast
4 dl (220 g) rye flour
5 dl (325 g) wheat flour   (I have also used only spelled flour, but less, about 7 dl (385 g))

Heat the water to 42 degrees, slightly warmer than hand temperature.
Add salt, sugar and oil and, if desired, seasoning, e.g. fennel, cumin.
Mix the yeast with the flour.
Add the flour to the dough liquid and mix until smooth.
Put the dough on the baking paper on the oven tray.
Sprinkle a generous amount of rye flour on the surface of the dough and pat it into a sheet about 1 centimeter thick.
Cut the sheet into squares.
Let it rise for 30-40 minutes.
Bake at 225 degrees for about 20 minutes."

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