First swim for weeks..using new intelligent watch!

This morning I went to the swimming pool. My first visit for two months. I first went in the lovely warm childrens pool ( no children about) and did some exercise to test how I felt before attempting to swim in the big pool. It was great to be in such warm water!
 I then set my new Apple Watch to the swimming workout and set the length distance at 25m. I actually swam 10 lengths , slowly, even though only 9 seemed to be recorded but…I was amazed that it detected I did breaststroke and back stroke..amazing! How does the watch do that? 
Next time I will do a bit of crawl and see if that gets detected?

I went to lunch with a group of cycling friends at the house of one who sadly has cancer and is not able to cycle at present. We all took a dish and it was nice that she seemed cheerful despite a poor prognosis.

Off to the Hampton Wick AGM tonight…I have two more local AGMs in the next 10 days!

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