And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

No tripod as you can see...

Hey guys how are you all? im pretty good today got lots done :) Im not going to lie it wasn't easy to get going but when I did it felt good. Did a good spring clean in lounge curtains down and washed windows washed skirting boards the lot. Been wanting to do it for ages and now I have its made a big difference. I hoover everyday you have to when you have a dog but today the hoover was on a little longer as I was doing all the edges and so on and next boom it went to hoover heaven lol getting a reconditioned one tomorrow between 1230 and 1330 its a dyson and only 45pound bargain :) cant complain are last one has done us very well :) cant do with out a hoover in the house.

Got a visit from Bri, Jen, and little Fia today too they got back from there holls yesterday so it was good to catch up. They all looked well.

We had winnie tonight she came in like a world-wind she is nuts we love her though lol such fun she does us good and keeps Ash on his toes too. Jan her owner asked us if we would have her on the 8th of June for weekend and again the month after for the weekend that should be double fun haha she is in love with Dave she adores him she is definitely a man's dog.

I text my weight watcher leader tonight we chatted for a while I told her my diet had not been too good she asked why I told her about are loss and she said she lost a baby girl 23 yr ago at 3month old and it felt like yesterday to her so she can relate. I then told her about Flynn are lovely little boy she said I will get my wish one day. I told her I was sorry for her loss and we chatted a while more, I told her about the PCOS she didn't realise I had that and said she will help me all she can so hopefully tomorrow is a new start and I wont let the gain get me down.

I had more to tell you but its slipped my mind, this is my first ever attempt at a moon blip I think but I need a tripod as you can see.

love c x x x


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