#5 Lighthouse Painting

On the wildlife camera - Badger & Fox & Cats

A busy night.

All the regular strays had their food early evening, and around dawn. I didn't include every video clip of them because this video would have been very long!

The fox, Foxy Loxy, is often first on the scene when the cats are still feeding. Foxy Loxy jumped on the swing a few times to eat the cat biscuits I put there solely for the stray cats. I do put some on the ground for the foxes and badgers, but Foxy Loxy wants/must have those cat biscuits on the swing.

The same for the badger, KissyKissy (named because he often tries nose to nose contact with the cats, earning him a smack on the face). KissyKissy is absolutely determined to get those cat biscuits from the swing. He tries again and again and again in this video. He knocks over the bucket of drinking water in the process of doing his best efforts in trying to get on the swing. He falls down time after time. He deserves top marks for his determination. At one point, his mate comes along to find out what her hubby is doing. She does not have the same fascination as KissyKissy has with my garden, and cannot see what the attraction is. It seems to me she is looking for a bit of nookie, or at least some attention from her mate, But he doesn't take the hint, and continues hell-bent on getting those cat biscuits on the swing, and she leaves.


Creative is #5 Lighthouse digital painting in Procreate. I tried out a new brushstroke tool - Gesinki Ink, which I used mostly for the waves.
And for the fine scatter of stars, I made a duplicate copy of the Driven Snow brushstroke tool, and altered the different settings within it to create this fine scatter of stars you can see when there is very little light pollution.

Time for a cuppa, and a nap to rest my eyes. I palm my eyes, but first I warm them on my small electric heating pad (because my hands are often cold) and I lie down and palm my eyes. Some info here if you are interested.

The Benefits of Palming — Bristol Yoga Centre

"The warmth of your hands relaxes the six muscles around each eye and attracts more energy and blood flow. The darkness relaxes the ciliary muscles, retina and optic nerves.’

Nathan recommends doing palming from 3 to 10 times a day for 30 seconds to over 30 minutes."

I should do it more than I do!

Have your best day.

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