
This building (and many many others in that area) is being knocked down. I have no idea how that is achieved in other places but here in China (well... in my area) they use two huge machines.. One has the old style swinging wrecking ball (which I imagine has been outlawed most places because of the obvious safety issues) and the other is this huge sucker. It is essentially an enormous jack hammer.

The process they use is also amazingly interesting/dangerous. Working from the side of the building, they use this big machine to chip way a few of the lower floors about 4 or 5 rooms deep. They use the rubble from that and make a mound which the machine then climbs and continues up the building.. This shot was taken with the huge jack hammer machine sitting on top of a pile of rubble 4 stories high and knocking off the remaining 3 floors of the building. I can only imagine how many of these machines topple off the rubble piles.

I took lots of pics but chose this one cause it sort of gives the feeling of movement as the wall/floor crumbled.

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