Crazy Overstuffed Life

By Allison


No, we haven't been hit by a tornado (yet, though it is dark and weird outside as I post this). This is the work of the developer who has spent the day removing the old to make way for what they plan to build. Not much we can do about the former, though the battle isn't over on the latter.

The Husband took this on his iPhone, so this is a guest blip. It will be after nightfall when I get home tonight. I really wish I did not have to go to my Board meeting as I'm in the throes of dizziness and numbness from a (no-doubt-weather-related) migraine.

The house which once stood here belonged to a nasty, nasty woman. She was the one who started this development in the first place by lying to a neighbour that she was looking to purchase their home to "protect" it from development. I hope karma bites her good and hard in the buttocks.

The trees still stand, and I hope they will. Seeing the houses come down is bad enough, but I will cry long and hard if and when they clear cut the lot. I believe our appeal will prevent that for now.

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