
By SeaGypsy49

It isn't a water feature!

I back blipped for yesterday. See the digger in action.
Back into the garden today. The sun goes very low over the hill behind our house in the winter, and I am always nagging asking, if he will cut down some of the trees blocking out the sunlight!!!!
His answer: "Just go to Queensland each year, and forget about winter."
My Answer: "But everything gets so wet and cold!"
So today, with a bit of blackmail (I baked a cake, and he cut down trees).
BUT....... this was taken just after he started. Several trees were down and things were going fine, UNTIL..... he cut the water hose. I rushed down to get the camera, had got one shot, when the phone rang, and I told the person, "Please wait a minute." Then I got this one.
We had a couple of hours in the garden (if you can call it that) & then it poured with rain.

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