A blue sky day

I’m doing a bit of a blip catch-up as the last few days have been a bit busy and, although I have taken at least one photo each day, I’ve been either too busy or too tired to keep up with blip. Now I am on a mission to catch up, despite the loss of one hour in the last twenty-four when we moved from Greenwich Mean Time to British Summer Time.!
What a beautiful day it has been with blue sky and lots of sunshine, but the nip in the air told us that we were still a long way from summer time. This wee Robin was enjoying the warmth of the sun in a sheltered spot in the garden. Our forsythia shrub added to the beauty of the day with the best display of golden flowers in its relatively short life (first extra). There is more gold in the second extra which I took later in the afternoon, looking towards the other side of the loch, beyond the daffodils which were also enjoying the sun’s rays.

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