
By ZenGwen


A few weeks ago the landlord for our office started pleading with me to maintain the garden, even offered to send a gardener round. I'm their main contact, and no one else cares about the garden anyway, so I mostly ignored it. The whole lawn was covered in long grass, bluebells, dandelions and a bit of meadowsweet, you see. It was gorgeous.

I 'jokingly' told my bosslady I'd maintain it myself if I could turn it into a veggie patch. But I noticed there were a few big, empty pots and 50 litres of potting compost on the patio (probably from a former co-worker who went on a flowers kick last summer.) So I picked up a few berry canes that were going cheap at the shop. Tayberry on the left, gooseberry on the right. I hope the gooseberry survives.

Unfortunately, when I went out, I also discovered the lawn has been mown. Just a border of bluebells left around the edges and patchy lawn everywhere else. Really criminal. Need to find out whether it was landlord or bossman.

Bosslady says I should go ahead and stick some grow-bags out there. I think I will.

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