Dr Who?

Through to the Dr Who exhibition in Edinburgh today. Bright and sunny, and a leisurely journey by car and tram. The main had to be a cyberman: they gave me the willies in days gone by. 
Extras: Ood, Davros, Sea Devil, tardis controls, and a chap with no head that I didn't recognise at all, at all. (All beard and no head is a common trait of many men on Twitter these days, but that's another story).
One of the first things we saw was the tardis controls. When I discovered it was mostly sliders, I almost walked out in a rage. Mrs Mac had to promise ice cream after, to keep me on the straight and narrow. 
An 'interesting' exhibition, but I think you'd need to be a geeky to get the best value from it. 
25 years married today, oooft. A chilled day, and we will dine well later. 

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