
By purplehaze911

And anyway, as I was saying dear.....

Down at the local canal today.

I was taking an amazing pic of a rusting narrow boat thinking this will be great for my blip, tripod, wireless shutter release, IS off, mirror lock up, blah blah and then I saw these two ducks waddling down the lane having a right old gossip! Ducks are so comical when you watch them for a while.....So all my best laid plans came to nothing. Ah well. always tomorrow!

I also took delivery of a new photography jacket!! i would never be so pretentious but £279.00 down to £49.00 seemed the right thing to be pretentious about. Anyway I thought I would test the jacket, as you do, so I loaded it up with filters, lenses, batteries, phone, all the usual stuff. I strutted purposefully toward my car, like a knight of old in his new regalia..I AM a photographer I shout to all n sundry...I reach the car door and look around giving a mocking few nods to the world, much like Robbie Williams I guess..I reach in my new jacket for my keys, nope, not there, try another pocket, nope, not there either, Inside? nope, Ah, I smile knowingly...In my tripod pocket at my rear, where no tripod should dare go....Nope....OK. this is getting serious now. I'm actually very hot, sweating in fact. I do need this jacket on, yes world. because I AM a photographer, my jacket says so...I turn and walk back inside. I remove my jacket, it swings wildly...smash goes my 100mm macro lens into the oven door but it's ok everybody. it's in its expandable softly cushioned pocket. Ha! and you thought it was broke!
My discarded camera bag lay idly on the kitchen floor, did its zip, this morning a securing device actually form a smile? Zip it bag, I have a jacket..Lenses, batteries, cards all out, I shake the jacket to locate my keys in the 24 and counting pockets...Nope, is it soundproof too? Nope!
The realisation hits me. Gingerly I open my trusty old camera bag. I open the perfectly key shaped accessory pocket and there are my keys....
Sweating and cursing I pack my lenses back in their rightful place, where they have rested happily till now...I take my new photography jacket and hang it up, it looks beautiful, purposeful, a see through pocket for a press pass...Maybe another day.......

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