Life through the lens...

By ValC

Packaging excess!

A short trip to Junction 27 to collect a couple of parcels from M&S.
So glad I took MrC along as they have moved the parcel collection up to the first floor.
In one huge box was a small carry on case I had ordered for a holiday later in the year.
Although it wasn’t heavy the box was very awkward to carry down the stairs. As MrC reached the bottom a very kind young man offered to carry it out to the car for him. He thanked him but said he could now manage as it wasn’t heavy and we were just parked outside. Though we did appreciate the kind thought.
The other box contained a pack of tea towels and two small oven trays. I certainly wasn’t expecting them in such a large box!
I too only just managed carrying it down the stairs.
As you can see the amount of packaging was ridiculous. Fortunately it is all recyclable, but just think how much energy is used in the recycling and production of yet more packaging.

However pleased to say the case is perfect and hopefully conforms to Ryanair’s strict measurements. Also I am happy with the tea towels and oven trays. The trays are to replace some I have had for about 35 years. Doubt if these will last that long, but should “ see me out “ as my Mum would say!

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